What Type Of Paperwork Should I Keep For My Accident Benefits Claim?
![Motor Vehicle Accidents - Question 17](https://www.sharelawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/MVA17-web.jpg)
Obtain a receipt for any expense even remotely connected to the accident. It may not be compensable but trying to get proof of spending at a later date is very difficult. Make sure receipts include a date, reason for the payment, location and an amount. You can write-in any missing details. At the same time, maintain a log of all related trips whether for medical services or otherwise. Again, include the date, starting point, end location, reason, mileage each way and expenses incurred. Some expenses require a medical assessment, evaluation or report. Be sure you use the correct form and include a cover letter indentifying submissions made to the insurance company. Lastly, keep copies of all paperwork. There is no guarantee that an insurance company will pay all submissions and not all expenses are eligible for repayment. However, you won't lose money on a technicality or for not having sufficient proof of an expense.