Disability & Employment Lawyers in Canada
Tips About the Change of Definition
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Hello from Share Lawyers. It's a good thing you reached out about your disability claim. In the coming months, you'll receive a lot of confusing communication from your insurance company that may require some interpretation. Some of the terms they use can leave you scratching your head, adding to an already stressful and frustrating experience. But don't worry. When you have questions, Share is there.
This video is meant to help clear up any questions you might have about what the Change of Definition Point means for you and your case. If you haven't seen this term already, you will. At the point you have to stop working, your disability is defined as whether or not you are capable of returning to your job. At around 24 months, the insurance company will investigate your case to see if you're able to do any other type of job. They can do this if your policy contains this clause.
One of the reasons why it's crucial for you to have an experienced ability lawyer on your side is that the insurance company's assessment of what you should be able to do may not be fair. According to most policies, it should be something similar to the skill level of the job you are doing and similar pay scale. If you are unable to do that kind of work, they should continue to pay you past the Change of Definition.
If you are denied at the 24 month Change of Definition date, it's not too late to get help. Just because the insurance company has denied your benefits doesn't mean that they're right.
Share Lawyers has extensive experience at this stage of the process, and has been successful in a significant number of cases where a client was cut off at the Change of Definition point.
If you have any questions about your status or if you would like a free consultation don't hesitate to reach out.