Disability & Employment Lawyers in Canada
Should I Return to Work After a Long Term Disability Denial?
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Thank you for talking to Share Lawyers about your disability claim. If you're thinking of going back to work, watch this video to prevent making a mistake that could cost you years of valuable income. Getting denied disability benefits puts you in a near-impossible position. Your source of income is stopped, and you've been cut off from receiving insurance benefits. Maybe you feel you have no choice but to return to work.
But before you do, please consider the following. Your job security. You may be risking your job security if you return to work after a denied disability claim, and are unable to perform to your employer's expectations. Don't set yourself up to fail.
Your financial situation. Not being able to work puts strain on your finances and even your health. Of course, it's tempting to return to work, but please consider taking a long-term view of your situation. Losing your job and your right to Future disability benefits could make your financial situation even worse.
Your health. Consider that your health may suffer if you return to work, especially if the things you have to do at work cause your condition to worsen. Don't tough it out in the short term, if returning to work could make your health worse in the long term.
The recurrent disability provision. Disability policies have Clauses often referred to as recurrent disability, that allow you to attempt a return to work for a period of time. If you return and exceed that that period of time, you may have to start the process all over again. If you return on a part-time or modified basis, this could diminish the amount you would be eligible to receive on any new claim.
Again, remember that Share Lawyers is there to be a helpful resource. Reach out if you have any questions. The consultation is free, and you will never pay anything unless they settle your case.