Disability & Employment Lawyers in Canada
OnTrack Review
How It Works
Share Lawyers Disability Insurance Law Client Portal: An Introduction
OnTrack Review
Our custom-built proprietary system of streamlined workflows and cutting edge technology is built to accelerate your case progress. OnTrack Review also provides a private portal – Your reBuildHub – for all the resources you need.

#1. We will help you to compile and collect all of your documents. If you don’t have an important piece of documentation, don’t worry, as we have a plan to recover all the necessary information.

#2. Together, we create a list of doctors and other parties we need to get in touch with to get as much information as possible to support your case.

#3. Our secure system pushes out requests to everyone on your team so we get what we need, and it doesn’t give up until we have it.

#4. As documents come in, our team reviews them to make sure we are taking the best actions to resolve your case.

#5. At key points along the way, we check in with you to make sure our list is up to date, and anything new gets requested with the same focus and care as if we had it from the start.

#6. As your case progresses through these key points, actions are assigned to appropriate staff members to make sure we have the right eyes on your case at all of the right times.

#7. Everything we do is paperless, which means we have software automations keeping an eye on your case to ensure it moves along. There’s no stack of paper sitting anywhere waiting for someone to look through it.

#8. We constantly monitor and improve all of our workflows to make sure things get done as efficiently as possible.

#9. Our software is built to show all of our team members a perfect window view of your case at any time, so when you talk to any of our team members, they know exactly what’s going on with your case, and if they’re unsure they know who to ask so they can get back to you as quickly as possible.
All of these steps get us to a great final outcome: settling your case to get you the benefits you deserve!