Disability & Employment Lawyers in Canada
Financial Assistance for Long Term Disability
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Thanks for reaching out to Share Lawyers about your disability case. Dealing with a disability puts tremendous financial strain on you and your family. You can't work, but you can't afford to be without money either. Nobody can.
So what do you do? Here's some great information from Share Lawyers about financial assistance that may be available to you. Ideally, while going through this waiting period for your benefits, you could borrow money from family or friends. But that's not always possible. Here are a few additional options to consider.
The Canada Pension Plan is a government sponsored plan available to all Canadians under 65 who contributed to the plan, and who suffer from a severe and prolonged disability. If you qualify, you can apply for these benefits now. A decision will take several months, but if approved, it will provide a monthly benefit to you, and may enhance your disability case. Each province has a government support program which will pay social assistance. They provide income and employment support to eligible residents who have disabilities.
Litigation loan companies lend money to individuals involved in civil litigation, including lawsuits for long-term disability. The loans are designed to help you pay for daily living expenses during your lawsuit with the insurance company. It's wise to exhaust all other options before applying for this, as these loans usually come with high interest rates, but in an emergency it is an option.
The best outcome is getting your disability benefits. That's why Share is there. While things are hard now, getting Share Lawyers involved can help provide the financial support you need for the future. You don't have to worry about fees because with the Share Law guarantee you won't pay anything unless they settle your case.
Reach out to ask any questions you may have about financial assistance options, or if you would like another free consultation on how Share Lawyers can help you.