Suggestions Regarding Finances [VIDEO]

If you’re struggling with no income from work and denied disability benefits, we understand the financial stress you're under. In this video, we’ll cover some financial resources that might help you while your case is being resolved.

1. Canada Pension Plan – Disability Benefits (CPP-Disability): CPP-Disability provides monthly benefits to those with a severe and prolonged disability who have contributed to CPP. Applying for CPP-Disability can offer financial relief if you’re unable to work.

2. Employment Insurance for Disability (EI Sickness Benefits): EI Sickness Benefits provide up to 26 weeks of financial support if you qualify. Make sure to apply for EI Sickness, not EI Regular, as the latter requires you to be ready and able to work, which doesn’t apply if you're claiming disability.

3. Provincial Social Assistance: Check if you’re eligible for provincial social assistance, especially any programs related to medical disabilities. Be aware that you might need to repay some assistance when you receive settlement funds.

4. Pension: If you’re entitled to a pension, provide us with an updated Pension Statement. Speak with us before taking out your pension early, as it might affect your disability case.

5. Litigation Loans: A litigation loan is a specialized loan you repay upon settlement of your lawsuit. While they come with high interest rates, these loans can provide financial stability until we negotiate your settlement.

Remember, we're here to help you navigate these options and find the best financial support during this challenging time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.