What's Next: Filing a Lawsuit [VIDEO]

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In this video, I’ll walk you through the process of your lawsuit to try to help ease any concerns that you may have.

After retaining Share Lawyers, we open your file and request your disability file from the insurance company. Once we receive it, we prepare a statement of claim, officially starting your lawsuit. This document outlines your claim and covers all possible arguments. We file your statement of claim with the Court.

After filing the statement of claim in the Court, we serve it on the insurance company and other involved parties, called “Defendants.” They will hire a lawyer to defend themselves.

Next, we’ll discuss with the insurance company’s lawyer the steps of the case to be scheduled.

In some cases, the first event that is scheduled is an examination for discovery, where you’ll answer questions about your case. Another option is that we will move straight to settlement discussions through mediation. Mediation is a settlement meeting where a mediator is present to help resolve the case. Most cases settle at this stage, but settlements can also occur through direct negotiations between lawyers. The bottom line is that you will likely never have to step into a Courtroom; while your case starts in the Court system, it usually ends with a settlement, not a trial in Court.

Don’t worry, a lawyer from our office will prepare you thoroughly for any meeting that is scheduled.

Aside from any events that are scheduled on your case (such as an examination for discovery or a mediation), much work goes on behind the scenes to prepare for the settlement of your case. For example, we go through documentary disclosure, sharing all relevant documents, including medical records, with the insurance company. They do the same with us.

The legal process is detailed and time-consuming, often taking over a year from filing the statement of claim to reaching a settlement. We will work diligently to move your case forward during this time.

If you have any questions, contact your Client Services Team at Share Lawyers. We’re here to help!