Canada Pension Plan: Applying & Appealing [VIDEO]

Welcome! This video will show you how to apply for CPP Disability benefits and what to do if you’re denied and need to appeal.

When applying or reapplying for CPP Disability benefits, you’ll need to complete a lengthy Application Form and have your doctor fill out a Medical Report. Reach out to your Client Services Lawyer for general advice if you have questions about the forms.

Section C, Question C2: List your main medical condition and any additional ones that prevent you from working. Include all conditions, both physical and mental, even if minor. If you need more space, attach an appendix with your social insurance number and the question number.

Section C8: Rate how your medical conditions affect your ability to work. Provide detailed information on how your abilities vary between good days and bad days, and if they have improved or worsened. Explain in detail how your medical conditions impact your daily functioning at home and work. Refer to an attached appendix for extra details.

Use words like “approximate” or “around” to describe your limitations. For example, instead of saying, “I can’t stand for more than 10 minutes,” say, “I usually can’t stand for about 10 minutes.”

Don’t forget to sign the application in Section H and Section I. If you get a copy of the Medical Report from your doctor, email it to your Client Services Lawyer.

If denied, you have 90 days to submit a Reconsideration, the first level of appeal. Provide the denial decision to your Client Services Lawyer.

If the Reconsideration is denied, you have 90 days to submit a Notice of Appeal to the Social Security Tribunal. Count 90 days from the date on the denial letter. The denial letter includes instructions for filing the appeal.

Ask your doctor to respond to the denial decision, addressing any misunderstandings or ignored details, and providing information on your diagnosis, symptoms, and functional impairment.

Submit your Reconsideration or Notice of Appeal by the deadline and provide Service Canada with any supportive medical information as it becomes available. Keep your Client Services Lawyer updated and share copies of medical documents.

If you have any questions, contact your Client Services Team at Share Lawyers. We’re here to help.