Disability & Employment Lawyers in Canada
Tips When Applying for Disability
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Thanks for reaching out to Share Lawyers for help with your disability claim.
Whatever you do don't let fear and worry during the stressful time stop you from demanding the benefits you've earned. If you are denied, Share is there to help.
Right now, let's focus on some tips that will give your claim the best chance for success.
Step 1: Make sure you obtain the proper forms to file your claim.
Step 2: Be sure the treating doctor confirms your disability according to the requirements set forth by your policy.
Step 3: Review the answers that you gave on your application before submitting. Providing correct and detailed information places you in the strongest position for a favorable result. Consider having a family member or friend double-check your application to ensure its accuracy.
Step 4: After your submission check in with your insurance company to make sure they've received it.
After Step 4, you'll have a clear picture about whether the insurance company is being straightforward with you or setting you up for a denial.
Here's a pretty typical red flag: they ask you to fax or email the same document several times you've already sent it and you have confirmation that it went through but they ask for it again.
It sounds petty but this may be the first clue that your benefits are going to be refused. Sadly the insurance company makes policyholders jump through hoops leaving them feeling that any further effort is hopeless.
Most disability claimants are people who are injured, sick or depressed. The insurance company's delay tactics are designed to drain your energy and make you give up.
The tips in this video are important to follow, but even if you fill the forms out perfectly you may still be denied. This is not to discourage you, but to alert you of what may be ahead.
If your claim is denied, Share is there. Reach out anytime for a free case evaluation.