Tips When Appealing a Long Term Disability Denial

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Thank you for considering Share Lawyers to help with your disability claim. If you're thinking about appealing the insurance company's decision, I'd like to give you some quick advice that could save you a lot of trouble. Pay close attention to deadlines.

Most of the time, insurance companies will state how much time you have to meet deadlines, as well as how many appeals you have. The information the insurance company provides can be confusing and misleading. It is crucial that you follow these deadlines closely and get legal advice on how much time you have to take legal action.

Do not let the word process fool you. In most cases, the appeal will be overseen by the same person who originally denied your claim, and appeal does not mean your claim will be reviewed by a court or an independent authority. The process can take several months and often you get the same result. Claim denied. Unless you have new medical information that is significantly different from what you've already provided, another denial is exactly what you can expect.

Showing that you're capable of appealing on your own can lead the insurance company to believe you're capable of working. Anything you say in an appeal can come back to haunt you later in the process. So proceed with caution.

Share Lawyers advises in most cases that it makes more sense to proceed with litigation, rather than the further delay involved in appealing. Bypassing the appeal process escalates your case to more senior people and lawyers within the insurance company. Although this takes time, it can certainly improve your chances for a more favorable outcome.

If your claim is denied again, contact Share Lawyers immediately so that our team can help you determine your next step. Thanks for reaching out.

Share is there if you have any more questions about appealing your case, or if you would like another free consultation.