Independent Medical Assessments

In this video, we're discussing the process and importance of an Independent Medical Assessment in disability cases.

The mediation lawyer handling your file may decide to send you for a medical assessment, also known as an Independent Medical Assessment. This decision is based on whether we need more information to bolster the assertion that any particular client is disabled.

Where a client is unable to access much care and/or treatment or where the medical team is not actively engaged on the issue as to whether or not the patient can work, an assessor is used to provide more details. Doctors, in general, are focused on diagnosis and treatment and should concentrate on providing assistance to their patients. Our job as lawyers, however, is to convince the insurance company that our client not only has a medical condition but that their problem (or problems) renders them unable to work.

Not all diseases are debilitating or not always debilitating. A simple example is diabetes. It is a very serious condition with multiple potential negative effects on the body’s functions. However, often if a person diagnosed as diabetic takes their medication, is careful with their food intake, and generally follows a healthy lifestyle, only close family and friends are likely aware of their condition.

An assessor, who can specialize in any medical field, not only confirms a diagnosis but then connects the dots to a finding of disability. They cover symptoms, effects, cognitive and physical function as well as the resulting restrictions and limitations to explain why our client is not only ill but also disabled. We send the assessor a brief of medical documents from our client’s medical team whenever this is available, as well as a short synopsis of the facts.

If you have any questions about the information provided in this video, please do not hesitate to contact your Client Services Team at Share Lawyers. We would be pleased to help you.