Disability & Employment Lawyers in Canada
Questions & Answers Regarding Your Employer [VIDEO]
In this video, I'll discuss how to handle employer communications during a disability benefits case.
Employers have the right to communicate with their employees. Some may ask for updates and medical notes, while others may not contact you at all. Unless your job is terminated, most clients remain on unpaid leave during their lawsuit.
Do not ignore your employer’s requests for updates, a doctor’s note, or a functional assessment form. Failure to respond might give them a reason to terminate you. Make an appointment with your doctor to confirm your disability, unknown return date, and no need for accommodations. Ensure this clear messaging is on the medical note or form. Employers are generally entitled to your functional restrictions and prognosis, not specific diagnoses or treatment.
Terminations can happen. If your employment is terminated, do not sign anything without first reviewing it with your Client Services Lawyer. Consulting with an employment lawyer can also be beneficial. They can help you understand your rights, negotiate severance packages, and ensure any agreements are fair. They also provide guidance on responding to employer requests and handling disputes during your leave.
Do not resign from your job while your case is ongoing. Speak to your Client Services Lawyer if you plan to return to work or have concerns about communicating with your employer.
If you have any questions about the information provided in this video, please do not hesitate to contact your Client Services Team at Share Lawyers. We would be pleased to help you.