Medical Conditions

Insurance Claim Denial for a Psychological Disability

Mental health concerns and psychological disabilities are often referred to as part of a “silent epidemic.” This is because many mental health concerns often lack visible symptoms, and they have a high prevalence, affecting one out of every five Canadians.

Unfortunately, insurance companies routinely use common misconceptions like the assumption that a lack of physical symptoms indicates “wellness” and the difficulty in identifying psychological disabilities as ways to deny long term disability claims. In fact, despite being the primary cause of long term disability in Canada, they also constitute the most rejected claims.

Navigating mental health challenges is difficult enough, and the added concern of managing financial responsibilities, typically covered by your salary and insurance, can increase the difficulty. But you don’t have to face all of this alone.

If you’re experiencing an insurance claim denial for a psychological disability, Share Lawyers is here for you.

Are you experiencing an insurance claim denial for a psychological disability? Share Lawyers’ experienced long term disability lawyers can help secure the benefits to which you’re entitled.

Are You Experiencing an Insurance Claim Denial for a Psychological Disability?

Mental health is crucial to everyone’s overall well-being. This extends to our professional lives, where psychological disabilities can have profound effects on one’s ability to work. However, because psychological disabilities are often difficult to document and prove, insurance companies commonly deny Canadians the disability benefits that they depend on to pay for necessities when they are unable to work.

That’s why, if you experience an insurance claim denial for a psychological disability, you need someone on your side who can help you prove that your disability is legitimate and provide evidence that it prevents you from working.

Firstly, it's crucial to recognize that just because the insurance company denies your long term disability claim, it doesn't mean that your claim is not valid. Psychological disorders are legitimate health concerns with significant implications for an individual's daily life and work capabilities.

Psychological Disabilities That Can Prevent Canadians From Working

1. Major Depressive Disorder

Severe or persistent depression can significantly impair daily physical and cognitive functions and diminish the ability to work.

2. Anxiety Disorders

Conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety (among others) can interfere with daily life and make it difficult to work.

3. Bipolar Disorder

Extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and severe depression, can make it challenging to work.

4. Schizophrenia

Distorted thinking, hallucinations, and impaired social functioning can dramatically impair the ability to work.

5. Obsessive-Compulsive

Intrusive, obsessive thoughts, and repetitive behaviours or rituals can impair productivity at a job.

6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Many factors at work can trigger flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety.

7. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Issues with regulating attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity can negatively impact one’s ability to work.

8. Eating Disorders

Conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating disorders have significant psychological implications as well as physical dangers, which impair one’s ability to work.

Why Are Psychological Disability Claims Often Denied?

Once you understand that the reason for a denied claim may not be valid, it’s also essential to understand whyyour long term disability claim was denied. Disability law is a complex beast, and navigating disability claims can be a difficult task. Insurance companies use this and the opaque nature of many psychological disabilities to prevent paying out benefits to their clients.

When this occurs, it's usually because of a few technicalities, such as:

  • Insufficient Medical Evidence: In many psychological disability claims, benefits are denied due to insufficient medical evidence or medical documentation.

  • Does Not Meet the Definition of Disability: If disability benefits have been denied, it could be because your disability doesn’t meet the insurance company’s definition of a disability.

  • Surveillance: Insurance companies often surveil their clients' lives via private investigators and by observing social media pages, looking for any evidence they can use to prove that they can still work. Not only is this intrusive, but it also cherry-picks information that can be used out of context to deny benefits.

All of these factors are unfair to you and should not be allowed. Your insurance company should not be able to redefine what constitutes a disability by overriding your doctor’s medical opinion. Moreover, people with disabilities still have lives to live, and evidence of this from surveillance shouldn’t be used against them.

What to Do if You’ve Been Denied Long Term Disability for a Psychological Disability?

If you or a loved one have experienced an insurance claim denial for a psychological disability, seeking help from professionals will offer you the most positive outcomes. The best action is to consult with an experienced disability law firm such as Share Lawyers. It’s free to talk to us, so call now!

At Share Lawyers, our disability lawyers are well-versed in insurance industry tactics and the complexities of disability law. We know how to navigate the most effective channels to build a strong case for reclaiming your disability benefits, and we won’t stop until you get them.

We also work with you every step of the way, handling all correspondence with your insurance company so you don’t have to interact with them.

Why You Should Contact a Disability Lawyer at Share Lawyers

1. It’s free to talk to us about disability claims.

2. We specialize in denied disability for psychological disability and can help you explore your options.

3. We provide a free consultation with our disability lawyers to see how we can help you get your long term disability benefits.

4. We can answer all of your questions regarding the insurance industry.

5. We have succeeded in helping many clients who have been denied benefits for psychological disabilities .

What Can You Expect as a Share Lawyers Client?

As a client of ShareLawyers, you’ll receive the highest level of respect and compassion as we assist you in challenging the insurance company. We adopt a concentrated approach, prioritizing every client we engage with. Share Lawyers is dedicated to being there for you regardless of location.

Share Lawyers Fights for the Benefits You Deserve

When you experience an insurance claim denial for a psychological disability, it can feel like you have nowhere to turn. Your disability prevents you from working, and your insurance company is refusing to pay out the benefits you depend on during this time.

We understand how stressful it can be and how the added frustration can compound your psychological disability. It’s why we work tirelessly for clients like you to secure the benefits they deserve while also offering counseling services through our Life reBUILDER™ program.

Let us take on the heavy lifting so you can focus on your mental health.

At Share Lawyers, we’ve built a reputation with insurance companies due to our success in representing clients. Simply put, they know we mean business. For over 35 years, we’ve successfully obtained benefits for over 9,000 clients, with most cases settled before ever going to court.

It all starts with a free consultation, and you owe us nothing until your case is won.

Did you experience an insurance claim denial for a psychological disability? Share is there.

Contact Share Lawyers today and put our experience to work for you. Our 35+ years of experience can help you win your case against Canada Life, Desjardins, Manulife, RBC Insurance, Sun Life, and other insurance companies. Our legal team offers a free consultation and works on a contingency basis - there are no fees unless you win your case.