Top 10 Tweets about Parent Mental Health

This post on Daddy's Digest was sponsored by Share Lawyers. To read the original post, click here.

Parents often feel the need to put up a front to hide how we feel from our kids. Particularly, as men and fathers, it can be hard to show our emotions. We want our children to feel as though we have everything figured out and that they are safe. It is often easier to try to hide how we really feel and sweep those emotions under the rug. As an invisible disability, often depression, anxiety, adjustment disorders and other related illnesses are not taken as seriously as a physical or visible disability, but they are just as important.

Here are some of the most honest tweets centered around mental illness and the lessons we learned from them:

After the last few years of a global pandemic, struggling with your mental health is very normal, and something you should be open about with the people you love the most.

Do not suffer in silence!

The tweet below really sums it up well: parents need to know that mental health challenges are not a sign of weakness. It is hard to face these deep-rooted feelings.

Mental health problems happen for parents of all ages – this isn’t just for new parents struggling with a lack of sleep. People of every age, race, sex and background can struggle with their mental health.

Even Ryan Reynolds, a beloved Canadian actor and dad, has opened up about his mental health struggles.

When it comes to mental health, being open and honest, as well as connecting with others who have been through the same or similar things can help both of you feel better. Your parenting partners, your colleagues and your friends may be going through the same thing.

Appreciate them

Small wins for the week are crucial to your mental health.

Here’s one main thing we know about mental health: You can’t just get over mental illness.

As parents, we are not only facing our own child’s challenges, we are also facing our own traumas from childhood and from our current day-to-day navigation of the pandemic, work and the responsibilities of adulthood.

Parents often see themselves in their children and are left revisiting painful memories.

Shoutout to these parents!

Remember parents, only you know how you feel, but it’s part of your footprint to advocate for yourself and your children.

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