Resources for Aging Parents: Alberta
There are almost 1 million Alberta Senior Citizens alone; likely some of whom rely on you for help. When it comes to health and wellness, programs and services, and safety and security for this demographic, there are a wide array of services and programs tailored to the specific needs of the provinces Seniors.
Share Lawyers has compiled a list of services available across Alberta specifically for Senior Citizens. In the case of emergencies always dial 9-1-1.
Alberta Senior Citizens Services
Alberta Adult Health Benefit ………. 1-877-644-9992
The Alberta Adult Health Benefit program supports Albertans with low income to ensure they have access to prescription drugs, dental services, optical services, emergency ambulance and diabetic supplies that are essential to health and well-being. For more information visit the Alberta Government website.
Alberta Supports Centre ………. 1-877-644-9992 or TTY 1-800-232-7215
Alberta Supports serves many communities throughout Alberta in over 30 languages. Programs include resources for seniors, housing, people and disabilities and more. To find out more information, or find a centres in your area, visit the Alberta Supports Centres website.
Alzheimer's Society: Alberta and Northwest Territories ………. 1-866-950-5465
The Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories can help you by providing information, resources, education, support and counselling. For more information and resources visit the Alzheimer’s Society: Alberta and Northwest Territories website.
Hear Alberta ………. 1-866-471-2805
Hear Alberta informs and educates Albertans about their options for hearing loss management and promotes protection and maintenance of hearing through strategies to prevent hearing loss. For more information and resources visit the Hear Alberta website.
Health Link ………. 8-1-1
Do you have a health concern about you or your child that is a non-emergency? This 24/7 health advice hotline includes a registered Nurse who will ask you to answer questions, assess your health problem, and determine the best care for you. For more information about Health Link, links to finding healthcare, and other health information and advice, visit the Health Link website.
Protection of Persons in Care ………. 1-888-357-9339
Protection for Persons in Care promotes prevention and responds to reports of abuse of adult Albertans receiving care or support services from publicly funded service providers, such as: hospitals, seniors' lodges, nursing homes, mental health facilities, shelters, group homes, addictions treatment centres, many settings funded by the Persons with Developmental Disabilities program, and other supportive living settings. For more information about the Protection of Persons in Care program visit the Alberta Health website.
Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) ………. 1-877-427-5760
RAMP is a program available to eligible wheelchair users in Alberta to modify their home to be more wheelchair accessible. Applicants can apply for a RAMP grant for up to $7,500 annually and up to a maximum of $15,000 within a 10-year benefit period. For more information about the program visit the Alberta Health website.
Special Needs Assistance for Seniors .......... 1-877-644-9992
The SNA program provides a lump-sum payment to eligible low-income seniors. This program provides assistance with some of the cost of appliances and some health and personal supports. For more information visit the Alberts Supports website.

Regional Senior Citizens Services
Access-A-Ride ………. (403) 329-6464
Lethbridge Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 380-2272
Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization (LSCO) ………. (403) 320-2222
Nord-Bridge Seniors Centre ………. (403) 329-3222
Seniors Community Access Services ………. (403) 320-9119
Medicine Hat
Medicine Hat Alberta Supports Centre ………. 1-877-644-9992 or TDD/TTY 1-800-232-7215
Medicine Hat Special Transit ………. (403) 529-8214
Strathcona Centre ………. (403) 529-8307
AgeCare Sunrise Gardens ………. (403) 794-2105
Branch Senior Support ………. (403) 504-1811 ext. 114
Brooks Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 793-6595
Brooks & District Seniors Outreach ………. (403) 362-4131
Bus Buddy Program ………. (403) 529-8307
Dental & Optical Assistance for Seniors ………. 1-877-644-9992
Geriatric Assessment Team ………. (403) 528-5609
Home Care Services ………. ( (403) 362-7766
HandiBus ………. (403) 362-6190
24-hour Elder Abuse Resource Line ………. (403) 705-3250
Access Calgary ………. (403) 262-1000
Calgary Central - Century Park Place Alberta Supports Centre ………. 1-877-644-9992
Calgary Central - Lancore Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 297-2094
Calgary East - Westland Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 297-1907
Calgary Meals On Wheels ………. (403) 243-2834
Calgary North - One Executive Place Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 297-7200
Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society ………. (403) 266-6200
Calgary South - Fisher Park Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 297-2020 or
TDD/TTY: 1-800-232-7215
Handi Bus ………. (403) 276-8028 ext: 4
Kerby Elder Abuse Line ………. (403) 705-3250
Older Women’s Long-term Survival (OWLS) ………. (403) 253-2912
Drumheller Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 823-1616
Drumheller Seniors Services ………. (403) 823-1317
Pioneer Trail Seniors Activity Center ………. (403) 823-6565
Banff Seniors Society ………. (403) 762-4830
Big RED Ride ………. (403) 675-3000
Community Helpers Program ………. (403) 762-1119
Senior Housing ………. (403) 678-5922
Snow Angel Program ………. (403) 762-1253
Red Deer
Red Deer Alberta Supports Centre ………. (403) 340-5353
The Golden Circle ………. (403) 343-6074
Senior Citizens Downtown House ………. (403) 346-4043
Helping Elder Abuse Reduction (H.E.A.R.)24 Hour Resource Information Line ………. 1-877-454-2580 or 403-346-6076
Edmonton Central – City Centre Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 644-9992
Edmonton North – Northgate Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 422-9440
Edmonton South – Argyll Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 644-9992
Edmonton West – Meadowlark Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 415-8116
SAGE Seniors Safe House ………. (780) 702-1520
SAGE Seniors Association Seniors Abuse Helpline ………. (780) 454-8888
Seniors Abuse Help Line ………. (780) 454-8888
Seniors Protection Partnership ………. (780) 477-2929
St. Paul
Action Bus ………. (780) 645-5313
Centennial Senior Citizens Opportunity Club ………. (780) 645-2929
Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) ………. (780) 645-3301
St. Paul Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 645-6473
St. Paul Senior Citizens Club ………. (780) 645-5566
Bonnyville Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 826-4175
Bonnyville Handi-Bus ………. (780) 826-3341
Senior Citizens Drop-In Centre ………. (780) 826-3619
Family & Community Support Services ………. 1-866-826-3496
French Seniors Group ………. (780) 826-3812
Cold Lake
Cold Lake Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 594-1984
Cold Lake Senior Citizens Lodge ………. (780) 639-3495
Handibus ………. 780-594-4495 or 780-207-2568
Athabasca & District Senior Citizens Society ………. (780) 675-2982
Athabasca Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 675-2243
County of Athabasca - Community Transportation ………. (780) 675-2273
Dial-A-Bus Transportation Program ………. (780) 706-5755
Whitecourt Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 778-7172
Whitecourt Senior Circle ………. (780) 778-4950
Slave Lake
Meals on Wheels ………. (780) 849-8031
Slave Lake Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 849-7290
Slave Lake Pioneer Drop In Centre ………. (780) 849-5119
Slave Lake Native Friendship Centre ………. (780) 849-3039
Slave Lake Senior Services ………. 780-849-8000
The Shuttle Bus ………. (780) 805-2431
Grande Prairie
Disabled Transportation Society ………. (780) 830-7433
Grande Prairie Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 538-6241
Golden Age Centre ………. (780) 532-5818
Grande Spirit Foundation ………. (780) 532-2905
Meals on Wheels ………. (780) 539-3901
Senior Citizens Outreach ………. (780) 539-6255
Peace River
Meals on Wheels ………. (780) 624-1000
Peace River Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 624-6135
Senior Citizens Centre ………. (780) 624-2700
Snow Removal Program ………. (780) 624-2574
Taxi Pass Program ………. (780) 624-1000
Fort McMurray
Audiology: Hearing Services ………. (780) 788-1377
Fort McMurray Alberta Supports Centre ………. (780) 743-7164
Meals on Wheels ………. (780) 790-0900
Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Seniors Program ………. (780) 799-8673
Rotary House Seniors Lodge ………. (780) 791-1160
Senior Housing ………. (780) 791-1160
Specialized Transportation (The Bus) ………. 780-743-7909
The Golden Years Society ………. (780) 743-4088
No matter where you are in Alberta, there are many resources for your loved ones who are looking for services and programs for Seniors.
Has your long-term disability claim been denied? Contact Share Lawyers and put our experience to work for you. We offer free consultations and there are no fees unless we win your case. Find out if you have a disability case.
We have recently settled cases against Great West Life, Desjardins, Manulife, RBC Insurance, Sun Life, and much more. We love hearing feedback from our clients, so please share your own experience with us.
Denied your long term disability claim?
Contact Share Lawyers today and put our experience to work for you. Our 35+ years of experience can help you win your case against Canada Life, Desjardins, Manulife, RBC Insurance, Sun Life, and other insurance companies. We offer free consultations and there are no fees unless you win your case. Join us on Facebook and become a Top Fan for a chance to win each month.
A note from our long term disability lawyers
Taking a medical leave from work is not an easy decision to make. Concerns about providing for yourself and your family and keeping your job may cause you to want to push through your pain, but this won’t make your problems go away. Stopping work is often the smartest decision for your long term health and well-being, and your disability benefits are there to provide you with financial support until you can return to work.
If you have made the tough decision to stop working and apply for your short term disability or long term disability benefits, you may feel overwhelmed by the process and have questions that your employer and your insurance company are not able or willing to answer. Share is There to see you through and answer your questions.
Our Disability law firm knows what you have been going through
We understand that things have not been easy for you over the last little while. Your health has been suffering, you are unable to work, and now your insurance company, who was supposed to be there in your time of need, has decided they will not pay your disability benefits or respect your disability claim. These benefits exist to provide you with the financial support you need so that you can focus on your health and rebuilding your life. It is unfortunate that your insurance company has not lived up to its promise. If your disability claim has been denied, we will fight to get you the benefits you are entitled to. Our disability lawyers have helped thousands of Canadians get their long term disability benefits over the past 35 years, and we can help you too.
Our experienced disability lawyers can fight back on your behalf
Share Lawyers believes that every client who is dealing with a disability claim deserves superior personal service. To achieve that goal, we have developed our team of experienced, compassionate, and caring long term disability lawyers, law clerks, and administrative staff to meet all of your needs. Our team of experienced long term disability, life insurance, employment, and critical illness insurance lawyers have made successful claims against many insurance companies, third-party administrators and employers.
If you are unable to work, your disability benefits should be there to provide you with the financial support you need. While your insurance company may be focused on finding ways to avoid paying your claim, our focus is on what is in your best interest. When Share Lawyers gets involved, you have an entire team of lawyers that are there to support you and to fight for what is yours.
Our disability claim lawyers fight for your disability insurance claim by relying on our many years of experience to apply the best strategic planning and approach in each case, using the latest technology available. Experience matters, and with Share Lawyers, you are in the best hands with 35 years of success on your side.
In this video, we explain the role of a long term disability lawyer and how we can support you when you have been denied your long term disability benefits.