Disability Insurance Information

Is Long Term Disability Taxable in Canada?

Whether your long term disability is taxable depends on who has paid the premiums for the insurance. If you have paid 100% of the insurance cost, the benefits should be non-taxable. If your employer has paid all or part of the premiums, the disability benefits would be taxable.

Living with a disability can be challenging, and financial stress due to loss of income can add to the burden. That's why many Canadians turn to long term disability insurance to provide them with a cushion. However, when it comes to taxes, it's essential to understand when long term disability is taxable. In this blog post, we'll cover the basics of long term disability and whether benefits are taxable in Canada.

What are long term disability benefits?

First of all, it's essential to understand what long term disability is and how it works. This type of insurance provides payments to individuals who can't work due to an illness or injury and can last for a specified period. Long term disability pays a portion of the individual's income, typically 60 to 70 percent of their salary, up to a maximum amount determined by the policy. In general, long term disability benefits are paid monthly, typically until the age of 65, and are intended to replace the income lost due to an inability to work.

Will you be taxed on the disability benefits you receive?

So, the answer to the question “is long term disability taxable in Canada” is "it depends." The taxable amount of long term disability insurance is determined by the type of plan and how it's paid out. If the individual paid the premiums with after-tax dollars, the disability benefits received are usually tax-free. On the other hand, if the premiums were paid with pre-tax dollars, the benefits received are typically taxable.

Is long term disability taxable? More important factors

Another determining factor is whether the disability insurance plan is employer-sponsored or individually purchased. Typically, if the disability plan is employer-sponsored, the taxable benefits will be reduced by the amount paid by your employer's plan. However, if you buy disability insurance plans individually, all of the benefits paid would be taxable.

It's also worth noting that provincial and territorial tax laws differ across Canada. Some jurisdictions impose a tax on long term disability benefits regardless of the type of plan purchased. In contrast, others do not tax LTD benefits at all. That's why it's crucial to understand your specific province or territory's tax laws regarding long term disability benefits to avoid surprises come tax time.

Finally, it's important to recognize the difference between long term disability insurance and the Canada Pension Plan disability benefits (CPPD). CPPD benefits are typically non-taxable, but it's worth noting that those additional benefits may be taxable if you receive compensation from any other source while collecting them.

Long term disability insurance can help people with disabilities or symptoms that make it hard to work. It can protect them from the financial problems that could come from being unable to work.

However, it's important to ask when long term disability is taxable. In general, the taxability of long term disability benefits depends on the specifics of the plan, including whether or not premiums are tax-deductible and whether the plan is employer-sponsored. As an individual with a disability, understanding your rights when it comes to taxes is essential and will ensure that you receive the full benefits to which you're entitled without any surprises come tax time.


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